哥林多前書 13:1-3
經文:約翰壹書4:7~12 (1 John 4:7-12)
經文:(1 John 4:7-12)
7 親愛的 弟兄啊,我們應當彼此相愛,因為愛是從上帝來的。凡有愛心的,都是由上帝而生,並且認識上帝。 8 沒有愛心的,就不認識上帝,因為上帝就是愛。 9 上帝差他獨生子到世間來,使我們藉他得生,上帝愛我們的心在此就顯明了。 10 不是我們愛上帝,乃是上帝愛我們,差他的兒子為我們的罪作了挽回祭,這就是愛了。 11 親愛的 弟兄啊,上帝既是這樣愛我們,我們也當彼此相愛。 12 從來沒有人見過上帝,我們若彼此相愛,上帝就住在我們裏面,愛他的心在我們裏面得以完全了。
(What would you think of when you think of church?)
一、 認識約翰(Get to know John)
The key for turning grumpy, bad tempered John into a loving disciple is God’s Love.
二、 沒有愛的世界( A world without Love)
_______是世界最重要的。Love is the most important thing in the world.
The reason why the society is sick is for lack of love.
教會冷漠的原因?(Why is church indifferent?)
三、 教會是表現愛的地方(Church is a place to show Love.)
Church is the body of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the most important essence of God is Love, so the essence of church is love.
The existence of church is to tell all the people in the world: God is love.
If one wants to know Love, one has to get live in Jesus Christ.
Loving one another is not an invitation but an action.
Church has to live out of love to show influence in the world!
四、 要如何能夠彼此相愛呢? How to love one another?
1)愛是從________而來。 Love comes from God.
※ 挑戰Challenge:
A. Would I be willing to pay prices for giving love for others?
B. Would I be willing to ask God for the strength of love?
2)______________ (Enthusiasm)
Enthusiasm can attract people and make them feel accepted.
熱情的影響力The influence of enthusiasm:
「因為我知道你們樂意的心,常對馬其頓人誇獎你們,說亞該亞人預備好了,已經有一年了;並且你們的熱心激動了許多人。」(林後9:2) (2 Corinthians 9:2)
“enthusiasm”: a feeling of being stimulated, being stirred, being aroused.
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
“Showing enthusiasm” is a sign of Jesus Christ being in our heart.
3)_______________ (To be involved actively and eagerly.)
In order for church to love one another, everyone has to be involved actively and eagerly.
※ 當人願意回應神,一定會看見神的作為,並且神會將他的__________放在你身上!
※ When one is willing to answer God’s calling, one will see God’s work, and God will put his glory on you!
When you understand the meaning of the existence of church, what would you consider when you think of church?
★我可以做些什麼? ★我需要改變什麼?
What can I do? What do I need to change?
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